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Our 4 Core Purposes

Curriculum for Wales – AOLEs and the 4 purpose characters

Healthy Henri keeps active
Year 6 as well as every other year groups, performed a collection of Christmas songs and poems for
Family members as part of our Christmas celebrations. Thank you to those of you who kindly
donated money to our collection on your way in/out to/of the service. Year 4/5 took part in a Rugby
Tournament on the school field

Creative Celyn takes every opportunity
Year 6 used craft resources to create 3D dioramas of the various layers of the atmosphere
and/or the ocean. They had been studying the oceans/atmosphere as part of their ‘Above
and below’ topic. All year, groups created their own Christmas crafts which were sold at the Christmas Fair, a great effort by all!

Capable Cai Produces our best work
Our writing genre for this month is letter writing. The children have been writing to Father Christmas
asking for various presents for Christmas. The wrote a ‘cold task’ with no success criteria, showing their
Teacher what they know already of letter writing Then, after assessing, the teaching staff put
together progression step specific success criteria for their year groups in readiness for teaching a
series of lessons aimed to help improve children’s letter writing, ahead of completing hot tasks in the
latter stages of the term, displaying their progression in letter writing

Ethical Erin learning about other cultures
Year 6 have been studying the various Christmas traditions from the four corners of the United Kingdom. They have ‘dipped their toe in the Scottish tradition of Hogmanay, learning about ‘First Footing’, Footing’, ‘The Bells’ and ‘Auld Lang Syne’